Rodrigo Conte: Flavescent Warbler (Myiothlypis flaveola)
leendert3: Red-billed Horbill
jvverde: Pin-tailed Sandgrouse // Ganga-de-barriga-branca
shutterbug1946: DSC_6017
jvverde: Black-backed Tanager // Saíra-sapucaia
Jambo53 (): Ready to fly....
jt893x: Carolina Wren
jvverde: Swallow-tailed Manakin // Tangará
Sheldrickfalls: Bay Sixty6
jvverde: Palestine Sunbird
Hannah 0013: Squacco Heron ..... lift-off
jwsteffelaar: D38K3508 Speckled Mousebird, Colius striatus kikuyuensis.
liliane776.: Je vous présente Margot, la cousine de Maya, elle fait l'acrobate pour boire dans le bol d'eau des Piafs!!
eric_fotografie: kromhals …
Pixi2011: Clivia/ Bush'lily / Boslelie
Pixi2011: Squacco Heron / Gewone Ralreier
jvverde: Green-crowned Plovercrest // Beija-flor-de-topete
Jambo53 (): Patiently waiting for the leftovers....
jvverde: Scalloped Woodcreeper // Arapaçu-escamado-do-sul
jvverde: Scalloped Woodcreeper // Arapaçu-escamado-do-sul
Sheldrickfalls: Meanwhile Gardens Skatepark (Explore)
Ruthie Kansas: Great Egret
Bryan J. Smith: ROEDEER M 0006
jt893x: Red-headed Woodpecker
J. P. Krux: The Danube River
jvverde: Red-breasted Toucan // Tucano-de-bico-verde
Pixi2011: Sometimes we push, sometimes we pull - but the work get's done...(Dung-Beetle / miskruier)
Pixi2011: Nyala ( female's)
eric_fotografie: The small world of a spider …
helicongus: Pseudocydonia sinensis (Dum.Cours.) C.K. Schneid. 1906 (ROSACEAE)