Rui Silva (ruka): An old lady Getting home on a hot summer day with her day shopping done...
Rui Silva (ruka): The eye that sees the world...
Rui Silva (ruka): Follow the shade line.... it will lead you to.... #evora #portugal #shade # shadow #live #turismo #turist
Rui Silva (ruka): Waiting for customers...
Rui Silva (ruka): Curiosity... killed the cat! #curious #curiosity #child #boy #alentejo
Rui Silva (ruka): Protesting the events unfolding in front of them!
Rui Silva (ruka): Gone with the wind!
Rui Silva (ruka): A very elegant lady on a walk, thinking about life! #lifethinking #walking #park
Rui Silva (ruka): There is nothing like a good afternoon nap, is there? #nap #bench #street #leiria
Rui Silva (ruka): Sometimes all you need is a fishing rod and the ocean... • • • • • #streetphoto #streetlife #perspective #composition #people #road #wall #streetphotographer #photograph #fotografia #waiting #fotografia #comment #portugal #SPiCollective #jj_streetshots #
Rui Silva (ruka): Three feeling while cheering for a team's victory: boredom, anxiety and relaxation... • • • • • #streetphoto #streetlife #perspective #composition #people #road #wall #streetphotographer #photograph #fotografia #waiting #fotografia #comment #portugal #SP
Rui Silva (ruka): Mobile phone addiction... while the game plays before him, he checks his feed.
Rui Silva (ruka): Having a break... on a hot autumn day, a woman takes a break under the sun!
Rui Silva (ruka): Quenching the thirst. These two men stopped at a local old fountain in #sintra to have some handfuls of water after a long morning of sightseeing!
Rui Silva (ruka): This guy was walking around #leiriasobrerodas2016 festival animating people with is very big old camera and funky clothes! The interaction and imediata empathy with both adults and children was amazing... some people are just born communicators! Do you kn
Rui Silva (ruka): In the middle of the day, a lone vendor patiently waits a single customer.... in a 20.000 people/3days festival about old cars... hard life indeed!! #leiriasobrerodas2016 #leiria #leiriacity #leiriabynight #2016 #patience #patientlywaiting #popcorn
Rui Silva (ruka): Happy moments!
Rui Silva (ruka): wainting on customers
Rui Silva (ruka): waiting... and waiting... ahhh the tension!!
Rui Silva (ruka): Posing for the shot
Rui Silva (ruka): Photographer in training!
Rui Silva (ruka): Some walk... Some run.... And I shoot!
Rui Silva (ruka): Outdoor cinema with the moon
Rui Silva (ruka): colorfull shading!
Rui Silva (ruka): Happiness in a hot summer day
Rui Silva (ruka): as life goes by...
Rui Silva (ruka): Indian Folk Group cape - Detail
Rui Silva (ruka): Lonely pigeon
Rui Silva (ruka): Portugal flags in the wind