RA Photography / Deadworld: Painting a dog ;)
RA Photography / Deadworld: Metamorphose (Orangapple :p) {Explored}
RA Photography / Deadworld: I was not lying! I was writing fiction with my mouth. {Explored}
RA Photography / Deadworld: Women aren't the only victims of domestic violence
RA Photography / Deadworld: Where the Dream was Broken {Explored}
RA Photography / Deadworld: And we go on a boat called hope, a treacherous sea called reality, in search of a land called dream. {Explored & FP}
RA Photography / Deadworld: Like a house, life is a project you build it, so build wisely. {Explored}
RA Photography / Deadworld: {Explored} When I'm with you in the end of the day, you can see my scars, then you will know that I was hurt, but ... but I also knew how to heal myself
RA Photography / Deadworld: Nobody can build for you the bridges that you needs to cross the river of life - no one except you, only you. {Explored}
RA Photography / Deadworld: d47: If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older {Explored}
RA Photography / Deadworld: Tarja Turunen @Lisbon Aula Magna 15.02.2012 {Explored}
RA Photography / Deadworld: You have thousands of thoughts a day. Don't waste most of them on negative things {explore}
RA Photography / Deadworld: Are you really sure that a floor can't also be a ceiling? {explore}
RA Photography / Deadworld: {Best of 2016} It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live {explore}
RA Photography / Deadworld: {Best of 2016} Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens {explore}
RA Photography / Deadworld: {Best of 2016} If you never look up you will lose the details {explore}
RA Photography / Deadworld: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams {explore}
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} A fox is a wolf who sends flowers
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} Bring the past only if you are going to build from it
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} Sleep is death without the responsibility
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not
RA Photography / Deadworld: {Explore} Eternal Ephemeral
RA Photography / Deadworld: Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong? {explore}
RA Photography / Deadworld: {Explore} We must all do theare, to find out who we are and discover who we could become
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth