Vasco Gil Baggio: Estrela, 2018
Vasco Gil Baggio: Praia das Maçãs, 2018
Nuno Sousa: IMG_4178
Nuno Sousa: img_Novembro_2017_doubleX_400_FM2_039
Nuno Sousa: IMG_3737-4
Nuno Sousa: DSCF4973
lomokev: Cartwheel Double Exposure
Jayna: Been in Tokyo for over two weeks now. Lots of walking and looking (and shooting). Be back soon with some photos but in the meantime, here is an #iphone shot one. Give a shout if anyone else is here!! ;)
Msimplepleasure: IMG_0014-3
Sr. Cordeiro: Alcântara, Lisboa