ruelho: Checked out Second Life recently. It always ends up like that.
ruelho: Zum Schutz der Persönlichkeitsrechte haben wir eine der Hauptkrawallschwestern der diesjährigen 1.-Mai-Aufstände unkenntlich gemacht.
ruelho: Bei dem ganzen Geschrei werde ich den Grund für mein momentanes Unwohlsein wohl nie finden.
ruelho: Pestilent: Berlin is still contaminated with Nazis.
ruelho: Like a drunk in a midnight choir
ruelho: And there is not a thing to eat around. Nowhere. Hail glass, steel and stone.
ruelho: Cause and effect
ruelho: Dear cable spaghetti. I am so in love with you. Deeply. Really. Yours, M.
ruelho: Bonne anniversaire, Fuckschnepfe!
ruelho: Damn that's corny.
ruelho: What is it? - solved by Rogério MF
ruelho: A shopping spree is better than a killing spree.
ruelho: Seagulls return to Pripyat
ruelho: The legendary Waldschrat FC home ground
ruelho: Still thinking about the appropriate Silver Mt. Zion-songtitle to name this one.
ruelho: We knew that this year's january turned out to be one of the warmest. But we were surprised that the temperature rose that high.
ruelho: Happy New Year and stuff.
ruelho: One of the rare and tiny comforts of winter
ruelho: "Always put water near your bed so you won't have to rise when you're thirsty." and other indispensable worldly wisdom
ruelho: I'm no Trekkie, but...
ruelho: While knocking down the Palast der Republik they have to put plutonium in the ground so the Berliner Dom won't crack.
ruelho: A groaner for the weekend: Pigs and alcohol.
ruelho: The legendary SV Sparta Lichtenberg 1911 home ground.
ruelho: Molecule Men, Fernsehturm and a boat! Yes, a boat!
ruelho: Kaiser Wilhelm and his life guards
ruelho: Low-budget light effects
ruelho: Pedestrians are strange sometimes.
ruelho: Kein Friedhof