Rudy578: Tree Swallows
Rudy578: Tree Swallow
Rudy578: Marsh Wren
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasants
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasants
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasants
Rudy578: Marsh wren singing to her heart's content
Rudy578: Common Gallinule running on water
Rudy578: Golden Eagle
Rudy578: Golden Eagle
Rudy578: Red-tailed Hawk with prey
Rudy578: Northern Harrier
Rudy578: Cormorant with a big Trout
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasant, female
Rudy578: Common Yellowthroat
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasants
Rudy578: Osprey
Rudy578: Osprey
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasants
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasant
Rudy578: Ring-necked Pheasants
Rudy578: Northern Harrier, male
Rudy578: Crows Harassing Red-shoulder Hawk
Rudy578: Common Yellowthroat
Rudy578: Western Meadowlark
Rudy578: Tree Swallow
Rudy578: Tree Swallow
Rudy578: Ruddy Duck
Rudy578: Ruddy Duck
Rudy578: Song Sparrow