Tam Love Photo: Swans at dawn..
Tam Love Photo: blue mountain
Tam Love Photo: On the streets I ran
Tam Love Photo: There Is a Light
Tam Love Photo: purple haze
AlexanderHorn: Curtain of greens
Tam Love Photo: high and dry ( Explored 23/7/2016 )
AlexanderHorn: Collecting
Tam Love Photo: the jetty
Tam Love Photo: the black mount
Tam Love Photo: storm over tulla
Tim Peake: Great day for climbing a Scottish Munro
Olga Gaz: Praia do Magoito, Portugal
Olga Gaz: Sintra
Apollo Image Gallery: AS17-134-20384
michael prince: Tulla pines
Felix van de Gein: Mousa House
Felix van de Gein: Dunbar Port
okubax: Ubuntu Jaunty Desktop
Felix van de Gein: Hermaness Puffin
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 553 of "Our Own Country. Canada, scenic and descriptive ... Illustrated, etc"
Adam BStar: Camping under the Milky Way...
André Kuipers: Comet Lovejoy by Cdr Dan Burbank @astrocoastie, on launch day. One of the first who spotted it.
André Kuipers: Meteoor inslag krater in Canada
André Kuipers: Sahara sand pattern (2/2)
André Kuipers: Engeland, Parijs, Belgie, NL, Denemarken, Duitsland en het Noorderlicht boven de poolstreek
André Kuipers: De Sahara blijft prachtig. Oude lavakrater in Mauritanië.