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claudio.marcio2: FUSCA E A PONTE JK - FLICKR
Arlete Reino Pellanda: Spring Afternoon at My World...
Rehula: peacock
atranswe: Floating Maple leaf
diogomachado: Testing
Paulo Batista: corupa4_menor
kookkai: Elfin 031
Anderson Luiz: Céu de Fogo
Sthefanie: 07--01
aboutme: Um dia de chuva e frio4.
aboutme: Ano novo
Alexandre Eggert: Fotosafari Grupo BNU
borges,: Upside down sunset
Alexandre Eggert: HDR na Moelmann
Alexandre Eggert: Neumarkt Trade and Financial Center
tiagomuller: nostalgia
tiagomuller: placa 2
tiagomuller: beira rio_
tiagomuller: In the God hands