Angel@ T@ylor: Ladybird
Carlos A. Aviles: What's left after Maria
knumbnutz: DSC_5321
Angel@ T@ylor: the four
alceo64: Kappa cygnida
Angel@ T@ylor: hello, who are you
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Flamingo-comum, Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)
CManchegoPhoto: The Tunnel of luck
Von Noorden: Guardian of the Cucumber
Cazadora de Fotos: Hermanos // Brothers
CManchegoPhoto: Canta Gallo!!
SrBohórquez: Rucka retrato
Angel@ T@ylor: i,m going to eat you.
Miguel1pr: Garzon cenizo
Miguel1pr: Pinzon Acanelado" Lonchura punctulata" Nutmeg Mannikin
E S M Photography: Paseo La Princesa, Old San Juan, PR.
alceo64: Eclipse from Madrid, Spain
Paulo Mattes: Seixas
sheryio1: faucet from below
Nigel Hodson: Puffin
bmse: Before the splash
Tomás Hornos: Frío en la Costa
Tomás Hornos: Miradas
CManchegoPhoto: AirForce Thunderbirds
luiggie.marrero: Vigilante - San Juan PR
CManchegoPhoto: A Wink from a Mushroom
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Libelinha-branca, White Featherleg (Platycnemis latipes)
Alexis Ant0nio: Christmas Full Moon