isachandra: PouringSoup
isachandra: PizzaRomesco
the snail and the cyclops: Ten little tappin' toes
the roadiegirl: Barbarossa!
the roadiegirl: Suicidal Stencil
Kat Marie Moya: Saint Therese of Lisieux
.:AnnetteB:.: Oh, beautiful day!
Ái Đào: "I have a hand, And you have another; Put them together and we have each other."
micio_5: Roberto Vecchioni live
Sam Attal: Festival of glitter
Kala_M: And I dream of leaves
aquaholic2: near Campti, Louisiana 1979
aquaholic2: Chili Cookoff TX. 1980
aquaholic2: Chili Cokoff TX. 1980
U.S. National Archives: Michael Jackson's Anti-Gravity Illusion Shoes Patent Drawings (Page 5 of 8)
ruben juarez: Allister
janealdridge: Mary, 15, NYC, Jonathan Saunders
janealdridge: Akvile, 20, Lithuania, Erdem
janealdridge: Kate Wakely-Mulroney, 25, A Detacher