mistinguette.mistinguette: Fragrant mimosa
Peter Goll Thanks for 32 Mio views: Herons on the frozen Dechsendorfer Weiher - 8699
ve7coa: northern flicker / pic flamboyant
ve7coa: American robin / Merle d'Amérique
flaviobergo: IMG_2589 cincia bigia (Poecile palustris)
todd ar: Mariotta
rclaar@rocketmail.com: Spotted Towhee
rclaar@rocketmail.com: Red-naped Sapsucker
rclaar@rocketmail.com: Western Bluebird
flaviobergo: IMG_4114 smeriglio (Falco columbarius)
Peter Goll Thanks for 32 Mio views: Hellebore - Nieswurz - Christrose - Schneerose - 8851
ingemar_akerlind: Admirer at a distance
r.wacknitz: Brunnen im Heideviertel...
ve7coa: American robin / Merle d'Amérique
ve7coa: Frosted great blue heron / Grand héron givré
stephenhjcole: Attraction
Ludo's World: A cold saturday of 2024 (07)
Manuel Barroso: Pararge aegeria
rclaar@rocketmail.com: Black-capped Chickadee
gilberteplessers: The allure of purple pansies…...
Omygodtom: Hard Lighting.
Omygodtom: Soft landing.
rclaar@rocketmail.com: Hermit Thrush
imageClear: Sunset Ice in the Harbor
MK 817: 500_9867
ricklebaudour: Posing Black Skimmer
imageClear: 10 Degrees Below Zero
MK 817: 500_3973