Johnny O.: Middle McCloud Falls
Mark McLeod Photography: Number 16 Beach
Txeny4: Torre de Sant Joan (Explore 19-04-2017)
Oilfighter: Triple Falls at Glacier National Park
Oilfighter: Jagged Grand Teton
Oilfighter: Icebergs and Storm Clouds
Oilfighter: Thor Was Angry
Steven Ritzer: - Lea -
Miller Visual Productions: Bixby Warp - Big Sur, CA (Explored)
cyrillhaenni: Skitouring around Wildstrubel
Rusé: A Sea of Frozen Grass...{Explored}
- Etude -: Tesseract
Kasia Derwinska: a wet man does not fear the rain Red Rock Rising
Ext-Or: Runaway Train.. R0200020 creativity
ywpark: Snow 4
Christine Lebrasseur: Best of 2015
Hammerchewer: Misty sunrise
Bryan Nabong: Fog Scarf
Bryan Nabong: Ribbons From Heaven
David Olkarny Photography: Let's create our story
Peter Tsai Photography: Stars of Texas above
andywon: Breakthrough
Vemsteroo: Standing on the Precipice
Hengki Koentjoro: The Black Earth - Bromo