RPM-Photo: Snow Train
RPM-Photo: Old Glory at the CUT
RPM-Photo: Mill in Motion
RPM-Photo: Willys Knight
RPM-Photo: McGregor Memorial Conference Center
RPM-Photo: Nighttime in Cincinnati #2
RPM-Photo: Aquarius
RPM-Photo: Licensed to Haul Manure
RPM-Photo: Column Capital Detail
RPM-Photo: Portrait of Mr. Taft, President of the United States
RPM-Photo: Red, White and Blue
RPM-Photo: Bullfrog
RPM-Photo: DIA Ceiling
RPM-Photo: Lobby
RPM-Photo: Tiffany & Co. Clock
RPM-Photo: Vaulted Ceiling
RPM-Photo: Nighttime in Cincinnati
RPM-Photo: Crucifix and Stauned Glass
RPM-Photo: Making Lunch
RPM-Photo: Turtle Fountain
RPM-Photo: Have An Apple!
RPM-Photo: Racing in America Exhibit
RPM-Photo: Union Terminal at Dusk
RPM-Photo: Portage Lake Lift Bridge
RPM-Photo: Rails
RPM-Photo: 1915 Ford Model T Runabout
RPM-Photo: Making A Bonnet
RPM-Photo: Confederate Soldier
RPM-Photo: High Tension
RPM-Photo: Soldier