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Weldon Brook WMA 091324
Morris County 091224
East Hatchery 091124
Walpack Area 090924
Weldon Brook WMA 090824
Morris County 090624
Forsythe NWR 083024
Kittatinny Valley SP 090524
Wallkill River NWR 082724
Weldon Brook WMA 082624
Saffin Rock Rill 082624
Kittatinny Valley SP 082224
Whittingham WMA 082224
Wolf Lake 082124
Kittatinny Valley SP 082024
Weldon Brook WMA 081924
Mixed Bag 081624
Kittatinny Valley SP 081524
East Hatchery & Saxton Falls 081424
Walpack Area 081324
Hyper Humus 081224
Mixed Bag 081124
Kittatinny Valley SP 081024
Kittatinny Valley SP 080624
Great Swamp NWR 080524
Saffin Rock Rill 080324
Morris County 080224
Wallkill River NWR 080124
Forsythe NWR Pt. 2 073124
Forsythe NWR Pt. 1 073124
Kittatinny Valley SP 072924
Wildwood Crest 2024
Ryker Lk. & More 071824
Kittatinny Valley SP 071724
Saffin Rock Rill 071524
Kittatinny Valley SP 071124
Morris County 071024
Walpack Area 070924
Kittatinny Valley SP 070824
Saffin Rock Rill 070524
Weldon Brook WMA 070324
Saffin Rock Rill 070224
Morris County 070124
Wallkill River NWR 062824
Ocean City Rookery Pt. 2 062724
Ocean City Rookery Pt. 1 062724
Delaware Water Gap NRA 062524
White Lake 062424
Kittatinny Valley SP 062124
East Hatchery & Saxton Falls 061824
Silver Lake 061724
Weldon Brook WMA 061424
Wood Duck Trail 061324
Green Pond Rd. 061224
Stokes State Forest 061124
Hyper Humus 061024
Kittatinny Valley SP 060924
Saffin Rock Rill 060824
Weldon Brook WMA 060724
Saffin Rock Rill 060524
Kittatinny Valley SP 060324
Weldon Brook WMA 060224
Weldon Brook WMA 060124
Kittatinny Valley SP 053124
Blair Creek Preserve 053024
Saffin Rock Rill 052924
Sparta Mountain WMA 052924
Wallkill River NWR 052824
Weldon Brook WMA 052624
Saffin Rock Rill 052524
Cedar Bonnet Island 052424
Ocean City Rookery 052324
Edwin B Forsythe NWR 052324
Forsythe NWR 052224 Pt. 2
Forsythe NWR 052224 Pt. 1
Swartswood SP 052124
Saffin Rock Rill 052024
Weldon Brook WMA 052024
Kittatinny Valley SP 051824
Walpack Area 051424
Weldon Brook WMA 051324
Kittatinny Valley SP 050924
Weldon Brook WMA 050824
Saffin Rock Rill 050724
Weldon Brook WMA 050724
Wallkill River NWR Pt.2 050624
Wallkill River NWR Pt. 1 050624
Weldon Brook WMA 05/03-04/24
Hyper Humus 050224
Mixed Bag 050124
Forsythe NWR 043024
Ocean City Rookery 042924
Morris County 042724
Walpack Area 042624
Kittatinny Valley SP 042524
Hyper Humus 042424
Kittatinny Valley SP 042424
Morris County 042324
Wallkill River NWR 042224
Saffin Rock Rill 042024
Walpack Area 041924
Kittatinny Valley SP 041724
Brielle To Sandy Hook 041624
Great Swamp NWR & Lord Stirling Pk 041524
Kittatinny Valley SP 041424
Saffin Rock Rill 041024
Kittatinny Valley SP 041024
Kittatinny Valley SP 040824
Wallkill River NWR 040524
Walpack Area 032924
Liberty Marsh 032724
Kittatinny Valley SP 032624
East Hatchery 032524
Forsythe NWR 032224
Morris County 031824
Saffin Rock Rill 031524
Wallkill River NWR 031424
Kittatinny Valley SP 031324
Morris County 030824
Kittatinny Valley SP 030624
Liberty Marsh 030424
Liberty Marsh 030124
Tuckahoe WMA 022724
Forsythe NWR 022624
Barnegat Lighthouse SP 022624
DeKorte Pk. & Mill Creek Marsh 022224
Swartswood SP 022024
Wallkill River NWR Area 021924
Forsythe NWR 021624
East Hatchery & Saxon Falls 020924
Liberty Marsh 020724
Liberty Marsh 020624
Mixed Bag 02/02,05/24
Liberty Marsh Pt. 2 020124
Liberty Marsh Pt. 1 020124
Walpack Area 013024
Kittatinny Valley SP 012724
Wallkill River NWR Area 012524
Wallkill River NWR 011224
Forsythe NWR 010424
Wallkill River NWR 122923
Swartswood SP 122223
Wildcat Ridge WMA 122123
Wallkill River NWR Area 121923
Mahlon Dickerson Reservation 121623
Waterloo Village 121523
Walpack Area 121423
Walpack Area 121223
East Hatchery & Saxon Falls 120823
Kittatinny Valley SP 120523
Wallkill River NWR 120423
Conowingo Dam 113023
Conowingo Dam 112923
Bombay Hook NWR 112923
Conowingo Dam Pt. 2 112823
Conowingo Dam Pt. 1 112823
Weldon Brook WMA 112523
Kittatinny Valley SP 112423
Wallkill River NWR 112023
Liberty Marsh 111723
Chicago Area 111223
Liberty Marsh 110823
Forsythe NWR 110523
Wallkill River NWR 110223
Liberty Marsh 110123
Keansburg 102723
Atlantic City 102623
Forsythe NWR 102623
Barnegat Lighthouse 102623
Wallkill River NWR 102523
Kittatinny Valley SP 102423
White Lake 102323
Wolf Lake 101823
Hyper Humus 101723
Kittatinny Valley SP 101623
Swartswood SP 101323
Rockaway River WMA 101223
Forsythe NWR 101123
Atlantic City Boardwalk 101023
Forsythe NWR 101023
Brielle 101023
Liberty Marsh 100923
Angel Oak & Murrells Inlet 100323
Cape Hatteras Wind Surfing 100123
Cape Hatteras 100123
Ocracoke Island 100123
Nags Head Woods 093023
Outer Banks 092923
Chincoteague NWR 092823
Stokes State Forest 092223
AT Boardwalk 092123
Kittatinny Valley SP 092023
Timberdoodle Trail 091923
Berkshire Valley WMA 091723
Headley Overlook 091623
State Line Lookout 091523
Saffin Rock Rill 091323
Ryker Lake 091323
East Hatchery 091123
Lk. Hopatcong Boat Race 091023
Weldon Brook WMA 090923
Wallkill River NWR 090823
Saffin Rock Rill 090723
Forsythe NWR 090623
Brielle 090623
Weldon Brook WMA 090323
Rockaway River WMA 083123
Lk. Musconetcong 082923
Wallkill River NWR 082823
Snow Bowl 082723
Saffin Rock Rill 082623
Hyper Humus 082323
Delaware Water Gap NRA 082223
Kittatinny Valley SP 082123
Bike Ride 081923
Forsythe NWR 081823
Delaware Water Gap NRA 081423
Weldon Brook WMA 081223
Wallkill River NWR 081123
Stokes State Forest 080923 Pt. 2
Stokes State Forest 080923 Pt. 1
Weldon Brook WMA 080823
Kittatinny Valley SP 080623
Great Bay Blvd. 080323
Forsythe NWR 080323
Kittatinny Valley SP 080123
Wildwood Crest 072723
Wildwood Crest 072623
Wildwood Crest 072523
Wildwood Crest 072423
Wildwood Crest 072323
Wildwood Crest 072223
Wolf Lake Area 071923
Saffin Rock Rill 071423
Green Pond Rd. 071323
Kittatinny Valley SP 071223
Wallkill River WMA 071123
Wallkill River NWR 071023
Saffin Rock Rill 070823
Ocean City Rookery 070623
Forsythe NWR 070523
White Lake 070323
Saffin Rock Rill 070123
Weldon Brook WMA 063023
Mixed Bag 06/26,28/23
Kittatinny Valley SP 062523
Saffin Rock Rill 062423
Delaware Water Gap 062023
Sparta Mountain WMA 061923
Saffin Rock Rill 061723
Forsythe NWR 061623
Atlantic City 061523 AC
Barnegat Lighthouse SP 061523
Muriel Hepner Park 061423
Saffin Rock Rill 061323
Silver Lake 061323
Walpack Area 061223
Saffin Rock Rill 061123
Saffin Rock Rill 060923 SRR
Weldon Brook WMA 060923
Rockaway River WMA 060823
Ocean City Rookery 060723
Forsythe NWR 060623
Rockaway River WMA 060523
High Bridge 060323
Saffin Rock Rill 060223
East Hatchery and Saxon Falls 060123
Wallkill River NWR 053123
Weldon Brook WMA 053023
Saffin Rock Rill 052623
Forsythe NWR 052523
Ocean City Rookery 052423
Hyper Humus 052323
Kittatinny Valley SP 052123
Snow Bowl 051823
Weldon Brook WMA 051823
Forsythe NWR 051623
Ocean City Rookery 051523
Atlantic City 051523
Rockaway River WMA 051223
Sparta Mt. WMA 051123
James Leach Boardwalk Trail 051023
Saffin Rock Rill 050923
Hyper Humus 050723
Saffin Rock Rill 050523
Wallkill River NWR 050523
Wallkill River NWR 050223
Swartswood State Park 042723
Saffin Rock Rill 042623
Wallkill River NWR 042523
Delaware Water Gap 042423
Ocean City Rookery Pt. 2 042123
Ocean City Rookery Pt. 1 042123
Forsythe NWR 042023
Hyper Humus 041423
Bike Ride 041323
Forsythe NWR 041223
Ocean City Rookery 041123
Liberty Marsh 041023
Wallkill River NWR 040623
Weldon Brook WMA 040523
Great Swamp NWR 040423
Silver Lake 040323
Swartswood SP 033023
Liberty Marsh 032923
Rockaway River WMA 032723
Lk. Musconetcong 032223
Barnegat Lighthouse 032123
Point Pleasant & Forsythe NWR 03/20-21/23
Nockamixon SP 031923
Lk. Musconetcong 031623
Troy Meadow 03/15-16/23
Kittatinny Valley SP 031223
Lk. Musconetcong 031023
Walpack Area 030923
Liberty Marsh Area 030823
Lk. Musconetcong 030323
Hyper Humus 030623
Forsythe 030123
Forsythe NWR 022823
Liberty Marsh 022723
Swartswood SP 021823
Lk. Musconetcong 021823
Weldon Brook WMA 021423
Liberty Marsh 021023
Barnegat Lighthouse 020823
Forsythe NWR 020823
Forsythe NWR 020723
Liberty Marsh 020623
Liberty Marsh 020223
Mongaup Area 020123
Liberty Marsh 013123
Forsythe NWR 01/26-27/23
Lk. Musconetcong 012523
Bike Ride 010823
Liberty Marsh 012023
Liberty Marsh 010923
Lk. Musconetcong 010223
Hyper Humus 010523
Our Tree 010523
Hackettstown Hatchery 010423
Liberty Marsh 123022
Forsythe NWR 122922
Forsythe NWR 122822
Lk. Musconetcong 122122
Liberty Marsh Area 122022
Lk. Musconetcong 121922
Forsythe NWR 121622
Lk. Musconetcong 121422
Liberty Marsh 121222
Swartswood SP 121022
Liberty Marsh Area 120922
Lk. Musconetcong 120822
Wallkill River NWR Area 120522
Weldon Brook WMA 120422
Troy Meadow 120222
Delaware Water Gap NWR 120122
Rockaway River WMA 112322
Forsythe NWR 11/29-30/22
Hyper Humus 112222
Wallkill River NWR Area 112122
Forsythe NWR 111822
Wallkill River NWR Area 111422
Johnathan's Wood 111222
Troy Meadows 111022
Liberty Marsh 110922
Swartswood Lake Area 110822
Forsythe NWR 110722
Conowingo Dam 110422
Conowingo Dam 110322
Bombay Hook 110322
Conowingo Dam 110222
Liberty Marsh 110122
Forsythe NWR 102822
Atlantic City 102722
Forsythe NWR 102722
Heater's Pond & Ryker Lake 102622
Weldon Brook WMA 102522
Green Pond Rd. 102222
Forsythe NWR 102122
Newark Watershed 101822
Bike Ride 101522
Saffin Pond 101422
Wallkill River NWR 101422
Horseshoe Lake 101222
Barnegat Lighthouse 101122
Forsythe NWR 101022
Rockaway River WMA 100722
State Line Lookout 100622
Forsythe NWR 092922
Atlantic City 092822
Forsythe NWR 092822
Keyport & Union Beach 092822
Hillside Park 092622
Rockaway River WMA 092322
Stokes State Forest 092022
Hyper Humus 091922
Forsythe NWR 091622
Atlantic City 091522
Asbury Park 091522
Rockaway River WMA 091422
Liberty Marsh 091322
Weldon Brook WMA 091222
Rockaway River WMA 090922
Forsythe NWR 090822
Forsythe NWR 090722
Hugh Force Park 090322
Wallkill River NWR 090222
Paulinskill Valley Trail Bike Ride 090122
Saffin Rock Rill 083122
Rockaway River WMA 083022
Weldon Brook WMA 082922
Lk. Hopatcong Post 245 082622
Stokes State Forest 082622
Quick Pond 082622
Hyper Humus 082522
Wood Duck Trail 082422
Hyper Humus 082322
Saffin Rock Rill 081222
Forsythe NWR 081922
Wolf Lake 081622
East Hatchery 081622
Kittatinny Valley State Park 0081422
Weldon Brook WMA 081222
Mixed Bag 08/12-13/22
Liberty Marsh 081122
Veterans Memorial Park 081022
Walpack Area 080922
Lake Ashroe 080922
Saffin Rock Rill 080822
Hyper Humus 080522
Kittatinny Valley SP 080422
White Lake 080322
Saffin Rock Rill 080122
Weldon Brook WMA 073122
Cape May WMA Two Mile Beach 072822
Cape May Nature Conservancy 072522
Cape May National Wildlife Refuge, Two Mile Beach Unit. 072422
Cape May Lighthouse 072322
Saffin Rock Rill 072022
Walpack Area 071922
Berkshire Valley WMA 071722
New Jersey Rookery 071522
Hank's Pond 071322
Hillside Park 071222
Saffin Rock Rill 071122
Lehigh & Hudson Bike Ride 071122
Hyper Humus 071022
Saffin Rock Rill 070922
Weldon Brook WMA 070822
Sparta Mt. WMA 070622
AT Boardwalk 070522
Saffin Rock Rill 070422
Hugh Force Park 070222
Kittatinny Valley SP 070122
Black River WMA 063022
Weldon Brook WMA 062922
Saffin Rock Rill 062822
Rattle Snake Swamp Trail 062822
New Jersey Rookery 062722
Forsythe NWR 062622
Crater Lake Area 062422
Stokes State Forest 062222
Lehigh & Hudson Railroad 062122
Saffin Rock Rill 062022
Kittatinny Valley SP 062022
New Jersey Rookery 061622
Forsythe NWR 061622
Weldon Brook WMA 061522
Paulinskill Valley Trail
Hyper Humus 061322
Yellow Trail 061122
Saffin Rock Rill 061022
Mt. Arlington Memorial Park 061022
Weldon Brook WMA 060922
Saffin Rock Rill 060822
Paulinskill Valley Trail 060822
Weldon Brook WMA 060722
Green Pond Rd. 060622
Weldon Brook WMA 060522
Kittatinny Valley SP 060422
Saffin Rock Rill 060322
Millbrook Village 060322
Saffin Rock Rill 060222
Newark Water Shed 060122
Weldon Brook WMA 053122
Saffin Rock Rill 053022
Forsythe NWR 052722
Lehigh & Hudson Bike Ride 052022
Liberty Marsh 052522
Mixed Bag 052322
Saffin Rock Rill 052122
Saffin Rock Rill 05/18-19/22
Barnegat Lighthouse SP 051722
Lk. Hopatcong Cam 053022
Weldon Brook WMA 051322
New Jersey Rookery 051622
Forsythe NWR 051622
East Hatchery 051222
Saffin Rock Rill 051122