rozoneill: The crowd gathers in front of the county courthouse
rozoneill: Xmas Tree 2024-003
rozoneill: The Hucrest School Choir serenaded all attendees
rozoneill: Faces intent on their music sheets
rozoneill: The imposing façade of the courthouse loomed over the ceremony
rozoneill: The Roseburg Fire Dept. had a part to play
rozoneill: Bare branches hug a street lamp for warmth
rozoneill: Ready to put out any fires that might arise
rozoneill: Main Street has gone to sleep for the night
rozoneill: A pretty hi-tech interior
rozoneill: A fire ladder extends into the light
rozoneill: The crowd gathers to await the arrival of Santa Claus
rozoneill: Across the street, the church glows with fervor
rozoneill: A cavalcade of police and fire vehicles arrive escort Santa to the procedings
rozoneill: The guest of honor arrives
rozoneill: Santa is steppin' out!
rozoneill: Free hugs for Christmas!
rozoneill: Hi Santa, about that naughty list...
rozoneill: Embracing the Christmas spirit
rozoneill: Santa could be here all night, judging by the long receiving line
rozoneill: Santa makes his way through the crowd
rozoneill: The smallest people are the biggest fans
rozoneill: Speeches, always with the speeches
rozoneill: Santa asks for a volunteer to hang the official ornament
rozoneill: The Chief of Police escorts the official ornament to the treei
rozoneill: The Fire Department lifts the ornament and ornament hanger to the top of the tree
rozoneill: Let there be light!
rozoneill: The courthouse looks good in green!
rozoneill: The fire ladder quietly returns the Police Chief back to terra firma
rozoneill: View from across the street