rozoneill: Ford's Pond on a perfect afternoon
rozoneill: It's definitely Queen Anne's lace flowering season
rozoneill: A flock of Canadian geese saw me coming and left in a hurry
rozoneill: Wait, don't leave, I just wanna be friends!
rozoneill: Queen Anne's lace plays hostess to a family of ladybug beetles
rozoneill: A warm breeze moved dried grass stalks around
rozoneill: Part of the paved trail circling the pond
rozoneill: Small clouds puffed into life above the pond
rozoneill: Small clouds floated in the sky above the path
rozoneill: Knapweed flowers and knapweed beetles were a thing on this hike
rozoneill: View as the trail peeled away from the pond
rozoneill: The trail followed some power lines to reach the crest of Rosa Ridge
rozoneill: The view to Richard's Butte encompasses both Ford's Pond and Woodruff Pond
rozoneill: The sinking sun applies a golden glow to the landscape
rozoneill: The pervasive heat of summer has dried the erstwhile green grass out
rozoneill: Oak trees and their scraggly branches supply some scraggly shade
rozoneill: Fungus consume a decaying log
rozoneill: The sun peeks through the tree cover
rozoneill: The pathway crests a small rise underneath the oak trees
rozoneill: Elegant brodiaea thrives among the dried grasses
rozoneill: Tree, sun, and sky
rozoneill: No shortage of arms with which to snatch your hat
rozoneill: Twinkle, twinkle, sinking sun...
rozoneill: Pastoral farmlands south of Ford's Pond
rozoneill: Late afternoon view of Ford's Pond
rozoneill: Richard's Butte and Mother Nature's picture frame
rozoneill: There's a picnic table underneath this tree which always inspires a rest stop in the shade
rozoneill: A Queen Anne's lace gathers what light comes at the end of the day
rozoneill: Objects are not as hot as they appear
rozoneill: Rolling landscape as seen from the shelter of a large oak tree