rozoneill: "Chasm Creek", I like the sound of that!
rozoneill: Oxeye daisy rules the Notrh Bank this time of year
rozoneill: An elegant brodiaea calls out for attention in the drying grass
rozoneill: "I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. O'Neill"
rozoneill: Initially, the trail parallels North Bank Road
rozoneill: Teensy baby stars had me using the macro lens and lying down on the trail to get closer
rozoneill: The golden hills of the North Bank
rozoneill: It would take just one spark to set it all aflame
rozoneill: This part of a hike takes place on a ranch road
rozoneill: The road heads seemingly straight to the North Boundary Ridge
rozoneill: Plant bugs play "tag" on an oxeye daisy
rozoneill: A soft-winged flower beetle watches from up on high
rozoneill: A ladybug stakes a claim
rozoneill: The ranch road crosses Chasm Creek's valley
rozoneill: Despite the cloud cover, it was hot and muggy
rozoneill: Oxeye daisies stack up against a boundary fence
rozoneill: Just a straight hike through some parched terrain
rozoneill: A high point rises at the end of a dry pasture
rozoneill: View to Middle Ridge
rozoneill: Thistle seeds make ready to leave the nest
rozoneill: Fly away! Be free, little ones!
rozoneill: A wasp burger would taste good about now!
rozoneill: The trail left the ranch road and followed Chasm Creek
rozoneill: Because of the shade, the vegetation still retains some of its green color
rozoneill: A gnarled old octopus of a tree
rozoneill: All life should be a walk in the woods
rozoneill: I liked this forest and have like a million photos to prove it
rozoneill: Blackberry brambles were in full production
rozoneill: The unwanted guest
rozoneill: The trail began to gently angle uphill