rozoneill: Flynn is like "C'mon already, let's go!"
rozoneill: A lone oak tree stands watch
rozoneill: Mushrooms thrived on old cow patties
rozoneill: This was Missy and Flynn's first Kanipe Park experience
rozoneill: Hawthorne trees had the bees buzzing
rozoneill: A thistle flower is well protected by a halo of sharp thorns
rozoneill: Vetch was putting out it's striking purple-colored blooms
rozoneill: It's not every day you see a wild peacock on the trail
rozoneill: Flax makes a pale blue offering to the cloud gods
rozoneill: Elegant cat's ear adds a fuzzzy element to the hike
rozoneill: You almost need a magnifying glass to spot the tiny field madder flowers
rozoneill: As long as I had the macro lens on, had to get a shot of a scarlet pimpernel bud
rozoneill: The trail presented muddy challenges every now and then
rozoneill: Hawthorne blooms, closeup
rozoneill: Hawthorne flowers with a pink tinge
rozoneill: The grassy trail wove its way through flowering hawthornes
rozoneill: Common camas flowers look anything but common
rozoneill: Hookers Indian pink was an attention-getter in the low grasses
rozoneill: Hooker's Indian pink in mint condition
rozoneill: Baby blue-eyes. as is its wont this time of year, was abloom all over the park
rozoneill: Douglas' Iris was a common and showy occurrence in the pastures and woodlands
rozoneill: The trail went pretty faint in the grassy pastures
rozoneill: Candy flower is everywhere, like always
rozoneill: Yet another candy flower shot
rozoneill: Trail on the high ridge and oak glades
rozoneill: Kanipe Park looks parklike (duh!) in spring
rozoneill: The path basically followed the park boundary
rozoneill: If you like oaks and grass (and poison oak!), then you will love Kanipe Park
rozoneill: Pathway through the oak savanna that makes Kanipe Park so beautiful
rozoneill: Up and over a small rise