rozoneill: One misty moisty morning...
rozoneill: Both life and death of a blackberry leaf involve the color red to one extent or another
rozoneill: Newly minted blackberry leaf, closeup thereof
rozoneill: The color of hairy vetch was quite striking
rozoneill: Normally purple, the creamy white subspecie of great camas grows only here in the Umpqua Valley
rozoneill: The pond is shrouded in mystery this morning
rozoneill: View across the pond, such as it was
rozoneill: Charon is always ready to ferry souls into the underworld
rozoneill: Grab the little ones and flee, here comes a hiker!
rozoneill: The regatta
rozoneill: Looks like maybe the fog is lifting
rozoneill: Ford's Pond on an ethereal morning
rozoneill: This pond patrolled by guard geese
rozoneill: Oxeye daisy, still sporting some of that foggy moisture
rozoneill: Pathway alongside the pond
rozoneill: The sun bravely tries to make an appearance
rozoneill: Yes, the fog is most definitely thinning out
rozoneill: A patch of periwinkle was happily blooming the morning away
rozoneill: The sun and fog having a tussle over who rules the morning
rozoneill: The grass was full of dewy spider webs
rozoneill: I grabbed the Rosa Ridge Trail which provided an awesome overlook of Ford's Pond
rozoneill: Just kick the ball between the goalposts, Richard
rozoneill: Even the power lines were scenic
rozoneill: Dew-soaked spider web in the grass
rozoneill: Ford's Pond in the mist, seen from Rosa Ridge
rozoneill: Hello poison oak, please do not touch me
rozoneill: Poison oak harvested water from the damp air
rozoneill: The scenery was spectacular, power lines notwithstanding
rozoneill: The trail traversed through some ridgetop oak glades
rozoneill: Just gotta love that green!