rozoneill: One small piece of the Courthouse Elm Tree
rozoneill: This ginormous tree was planted around 1899, when the courthouse was dedicated
rozoneill: A sign that Halloween is upon us
rozoneill: Some of the motorcycles of the Hesh Moto Show
rozoneill: "Get your motor running, head out on the highway..."
rozoneill: My kind of motorcycle!
rozoneill: Scrapbook of sorts on a gas tank
rozoneill: I felt like I was being watched, for some reason
rozoneill: About my speed
rozoneill: The Medical Arts Building, built circa 1928
rozoneill: It may be small, but it is highly visible
rozoneill: Blocktoberfest booths on Main Street, before the crowds arrive
rozoneill: Fern on a street corner
rozoneill: Maple leaf embossed onto a sidwalk
rozoneill: Soon, the shadow will have its oak leaf
rozoneill: Gotta love those old brick buildings (Sheridan Brothers Hardware building seen here)
rozoneill: I so need this sign
rozoneill: A true story in our home
rozoneill: A brown emoji seal of approval
rozoneill: But first, a little bathroom humor
rozoneill: Halloween monsters roamed the streets
rozoneill: You really should feed your dog more
rozoneill: The food of my people sold here
rozoneill: Mr. Bee works the Busker's Stage
rozoneill: Music is art and vise versa
rozoneill: This orange wire sculpture caught my eye
rozoneill: Medusa mug on a mug
rozoneill: This wolf sculpture was eye-catching
rozoneill: The rocks on the bottom were actual real rocks
rozoneill: Fight the power!