rozoneill: Crooked Creek pools behind the beach
rozoneill: Crooked Creek in all its reflective glory
rozoneill: We sideswiped Crooked Creek as we hit the beach
rozoneill: A tangled knot of rotting seaweed
rozoneill: Dollie walks straight to Crooked Creek in an oxymoron of sorts
rozoneill: Crooked Creek will run crooked no more
rozoneill: Bright sunlight sparkles on the creek's ripples
rozoneill: Inches deep, Crooked Creek runs across the beach
rozoneill: Patterns in the sand left behind bu the retreating tide
rozoneill: Abstract art piece created by the ebbing tide
rozoneill: Looks like small creatures slithered across the sand here
rozoneill: The beach was a rockhounder's and photographer's delight
rozoneill: One of many rock photos I took
rozoneill: Bandon Beach rocks!
rozoneill: Encounters of the green rock kind
rozoneill: A beach barrier lies ahead
rozoneill: A peek round the edge
rozoneill: Rock island against a gloriously blue sky
rozoneill: We go around the rocky point and continue onward
rozoneill: Ripples caused by a retreating wave
rozoneill: Pools of seawater collected at the base of the larger islands on the beach
rozoneill: Misty view to the south
rozoneill: Detail next to a small creek
rozoneill: The rock islands make Bandon Beach a special place
rozoneill: Panorama shot of Haystack Rock
rozoneill: A pair of islands are next door neighbors for all eternity
rozoneill: A flock of pelicans roost on a convenient island
rozoneill: The glistening sand, left behind by the receding ocean
rozoneill: Face Rock makes an appearance from afar
rozoneill: Smoothed by the constant surf action