rozoneill: Bunches and bunches of bunchberry bloomed on the forest floor
rozoneill: The shade was most welcome on what was another in a whole summer of hot days
rozoneill: Vine maple provides some green and shady succor to overheating hikers
rozoneill: Tis the the season of tiger lily
rozoneill: The eye-catching flower of a tiger lily plant
rozoneill: Tombstone Prairie sprawls at the foot of Browder Ridge
rozoneill: Queen's cup made an experience along the shaded trail
rozoneill: View up to Iron Mountain from Tombstone Prairie
rozoneill: Mountain owl's clover bloomed low in the grasses
rozoneill: A black flower beetle grazes on a head of common yarrow
rozoneill: Coneflower, in its normal petal-less state of being
rozoneill: Tall mountain bluebell add a touch of blue to the proceedings
rozoneill: Camera in hand, Penny wades through the ample vegetation at Tombstone Prairie
rozoneill: Wild ginger blooms were occasionally found underneath the heart-shaped leaves
rozoneill: The little flowers of little prince's pine were a common sight this time of year
rozoneill: The ample vegetation made the hiking hot and humid in the open sun
rozoneill: Vine maple canopy, providing some cooling shade from overhead
rozoneill: Cow parsnip was emphatically in its blooming season
rozoneill: Cow parsnip makes a floral offering to the sun and sky gods
rozoneill: Baneberries to be
rozoneill: At least the trail was quite shady on the forested slopes
rozoneill: Bunchberry bunch, as the ripening begins
rozoneill: Vine maple leaves all aglow with the summer sunlight
rozoneill: The proverbial dappled sunlight
rozoneill: Greenery, in the form of vine maple canopy
rozoneill: Ceiling on a green room, courtesy of vine maple
rozoneill: Huckleberries thrived in the sunny spots
rozoneill: Not sure what kind of flowers these are, maybe a goldenrod?
rozoneill: The trail disappears around the shaded bend
rozoneill: Some huckleberry grazing ensued