rozoneill: Horsetail plant (one of many) at the trailhead
rozoneill: Western starflower graced the path throughout the hike
rozoneill: The truly strange wild ginger flower
rozoneill: Pathway through the greenery
rozoneill: Thimbleberry flowers were also prevalent in the forest understory
rozoneill: A nervous jumping spider was ready to jump as I photographed it
rozoneill: Forest floor comprised of oxalis and one lone dewberry vine
rozoneill: Spittlebugs were happily spittling
rozoneill: A fern asked for peanut handouts
rozoneill: English daisies were also common where the vegetative cover was low
rozoneill: English daisy, merrily blooming the day away
rozoneill: Columbia windflower also graced the forest floor
rozoneill: Bridge crossing at Susan Creek
rozoneill: Susan Creek flows in both light and shade
rozoneill: Susan Creek, slow shot thereof
rozoneill: Bucolic Susan Creek
rozoneill: One last shot of Susan Creek before moving on
rozoneill: A fly basks on a maple leaf
rozoneill: Periwinkle, probably descended from some settler's garden
rozoneill: The Emerald Trail lives up to its name
rozoneill: A small wasp checks out an iris
rozoneill: Was it something I said?
rozoneill: I think toughleaf iris outnumbered Douglas' iris today
rozoneill: Shadow play on the path
rozoneill: Upside-down flower doing its upside-down thing
rozoneill: The rich purple color of a wild iris
rozoneill: This was going to be an iris camera day
rozoneill: Mixed foliage
rozoneill: Eight-legged friend, hanging out on a footbridge
rozoneill: The North Umpqua River on a fine spring afternoon