rozoneill: And so it begins...
rozoneill: Ferns, folding up their tent for the year
rozoneill: Fern fronds bid each other adieu
rozoneill: While not as colorful as in years past, there was some color
rozoneill: The McKenzie River Trail weaves its way through the forest
rozoneill: The McKenzie was always nearby its namesake trail
rozoneill: One small riffle on the McKenzie
rozoneill: Openings in the forest cover allowed for looks at the river
rozoneill: The McKenzie River on a gray day
rozoneill: For some reason, the autumn colors hadn't yet begun
rozoneill: Trail through the rampant greenery
rozoneill: A vine maple makes a desultory contribution to the autumn season
rozoneill: Photo ops from the Scott Creek bridge
rozoneill: Rheo and Penny cross over Scott Creek
rozoneill: The forest commences the autumn festivities
rozoneill: A vine maple tree begins to turn
rozoneill: A mélange of leafy color
rozoneill: Vine maple leaves, turning from pale yellow to light brown
rozoneill: A bit of color beneath the tall evergreens
rozoneill: A dogwood tree adopts a pale and wan look
rozoneill: The McKenzie River speeds past the trail
rozoneill: It was a gray day all day long
rozoneill: Vine maple, doing its autumn thing
rozoneill: Autumn along the McKenzie
rozoneill: A mushroom sprouts among the Oregon grape plants
rozoneill: The clear and pristine water of the McKenzie River
rozoneill: The McKenzie River, on a dark and damp day
rozoneill: A reposing log watches the river flow by
rozoneill: White water on the McKenzie River
rozoneill: No doubt these rapids provide a thrill or two to the rafting crowd