rozoneill: The gathering storm
rozoneill: The rumbling of thunder was a constant
rozoneill: Diamond Peak broods across the lake
rozoneill: Almost looks like a forming hurricane
rozoneill: Diamond Peak, currently off limits because of a nearby wildfire
rozoneill: Portentous clouds
rozoneill: Lakeview Mountain was catching lightning bolts every now and then
rozoneill: Curtains of rain fall from the clouds
rozoneill: Rainfall on Lakeview Mountain
rozoneill: Wild rain and cloud formations roil in the sky
rozoneill: The storm was absolutely spectacular
rozoneill: More rain curtains
rozoneill: The proverbial gloomy sky
rozoneill: Like the eye of a hurricane
rozoneill: The restless currents in the sky
rozoneill: Lakeview Mountain watches the show
rozoneill: Abstract art in the sky
rozoneill: Swirls and eddys in the sky above
rozoneill: It was an amazing show by Mother Nature
rozoneill: I'm about to get rained on
rozoneill: Rorschach test overhead
rozoneill: Diamond Peak on an increasingly gray and dark day
rozoneill: There was some lightning and thunder to go with all the gloom
rozoneill: A couple of baby ducks just noticed me
rozoneill: Mama Duck gets them all away from me
rozoneill: These four ducks and I shared a campsite
rozoneill: Odell Butte rises over the south end of Odell Lake
rozoneill: The rain was a boon for the fire crews (Explored 8/26/22)
rozoneill: One small piece of a wild sky
rozoneill: Odell Butte begins to fade from view