rozoneill: Thimbleberry greets us at the trailhead
rozoneill: Star Solomon's seal twinkles in the bright sunlight
rozoneill: Sitka valerian was a common sight in the meadows and forest
rozoneill: Wild ginger was a rare sight this early in the season
rozoneill: Columbia windflower blooming on the forest floor
rozoneill: A fading Pacific waterleaf cluster of blooms
rozoneill: Alpine knotweed flourishes in the shady woods
rozoneill: The always eye-pleasing columbine
rozoneill: Salmon polemonium, which is a member of the Jacob's ladder family
rozoneill: We took the short walk into the meadows at Tombstone Prairie
rozoneill: Tombstone Prairie, in all its meadowy glory
rozoneill: Beetles caper and frolic on some cow parsley
rozoneill: View to Browder's Ridge from Tombstone Prairie
rozoneill: The nascent beginnings of Hackleman Creek
rozoneill: Spires of lupines in offering to the sun gods
rozoneill: Definitely a green hike, here
rozoneill: Vine maples contributed to the green glow
rozoneill: One of a galaxy of thimbleberry blossoms
rozoneill: Groundsel, looking spidery when the petals start to drop
rozoneill: A small head of groundsel flowers
rozoneill: Vine maples, glowing green
rozoneill: Trail through the pleasantly shady forest
rozoneill: The trail slices through the rampant greenery
rozoneill: Larkspur were plentiful in the sunny spots
rozoneill: Penstemon pushes through the surrounding greenery
rozoneill: Woodland penstemon, which is not a true penstemon
rozoneill: Tall mountain bluebell, finishing its blooming run
rozoneill: Merten's coralroot made frequent appearances along the trail
rozoneill: Merten's coralroot thrived in the shaded forest
rozoneill: Trillium, long gone to seed