rozoneill: Me, deliriously happy
rozoneill: Dusty trails through stands of lodgepole was the theme of today's hiking
rozoneill: The tip of Mount Thielsen is just visible
rozoneill: Carpenter ants never rest
rozoneill: Trail, as it climbed up and over a thinly wooded ridge
rozoneill: View to nearby Odell Butte
rozoneill: Young lodgepole pines encroached the trail
rozoneill: Looks a lot shadier than it actually felt
rozoneill: A moment of zen with dead trees and a live seedling
rozoneill: Trail through a green stand of trees
rozoneill: Lodgepole skyline above the trail
rozoneill: There were several stepovers involving fallen trees laying across the trail
rozoneill: Ants scurried about on sun-bleached logs
rozoneill: My view basically, for the next 10 miles or so
rozoneill: A signpost marks the path to Oldenberg Lake
rozoneill: I stopped for a brief loll n' laze at Oldenberg Lake
rozoneill: Ripples paint upon the lake's surface
rozoneill: The trail now heads uphill, darn it
rozoneill: Not much else but lodgepole can grow in these poor soils
rozoneill: Trail, pleasantly flat for the moment
rozoneill: A tree paints its shadow upon the trail
rozoneill: All the lodgepole pine you could ever want to look at
rozoneill: This way to Bingham Lakes
rozoneill: Can't see the forest for the trees
rozoneill: First look at the first of the Bingham Lakes
rozoneill: Binghham Lakes shoreline
rozoneill: View from my turnaround point
rozoneill: Return to the thin forest
rozoneill: I spent the day immersed in all things lodgepole
rozoneill: A dry and dusty trail it was