rozoneill: Some assembly required
rozoneill: By golly, it all fit!
rozoneill: But would we be as smiling at the end?
rozoneill: Winecup clarkia, as the trek started
rozoneill: The trail wasted no time in going cliffy
rozoneill: The first of many views over the next four days
rozoneill: Paintbrush adds some flamboyant color to the gray day
rozoneill: Ookow was in full bloom all along the trail
rozoneill: Red larkspur, somewhat of a rarity in Oregon
rozoneill: Found a few isolated specimens of showy milkweed
rozoneill: Bell's catchfly dangled near wet spots
rozoneill: Grassy and cliffy are two things I love in a trail
rozoneill: View at Sanderson's Island on a dreary day
rozoneill: The river runs deep and silent here
rozoneill: The Rogue flows at the bottom of its rocky canyon
rozoneill: Rafters were testing their mettle at Rainie Falls
rozoneill: A small butterfly hangs out on a white hyacinth bud
rozoneill: Golden iris was very much a thing on this hike
rozoneill: I spent a lot of time and energy trying to get the perfect iris photo
rozoneill: Golden iris in its golden beauty
rozoneill: Perfect tri-petaled symmetry
rozoneill: A streambank lupine sends up a spear of pale flowers
rozoneill: Blueblossom ceanothus perfumed up the hike here and there
rozoneill: Elegant brodiaea, looking elegant, as always
rozoneill: A St. John's wort beetle takes a snooze
rozoneill: Elegant cat's ear imparted its own fuzzy vibe to the proceedings
rozoneill: Seed head from a lily of some kind
rozoneill: The river runs straight and true
rozoneill: The Rogue is calm and peaceful, for now
rozoneill: Slender clarkia