rozoneill: The hike looked first
rozoneill: Buttercups took over the many meadows
rozoneill: Penny and I soon lagged behind while keeping our cameras busy
rozoneill: Oaken centerpiece of a green meadow
rozoneill: These white flowers of unknown specie, were quite common in the low grasses
rozoneill: Initially, the route was on farm roads
rozoneill: Oregon grape enters the blooming season with yellow aplomb
rozoneill: The pleasant ranch road would soon become our "Boot Camp" route
rozoneill: Bare oaks against a brilliant blue sky
rozoneill: The leaves of red henbit are as striking as the flower
rozoneill: A bucolic little glade of oak trees
rozoneill: A forest of oak trees reach for the sun
rozoneill: Oh what tangled woods the oaks weave
rozoneill: No complaints (yet) about the levelness of the hike
rozoneill: Spring is that season where even poison oak looks pretty
rozoneill: The trail begins to incline upward
rozoneill: Pleaasant trail through the bare trees
rozoneill: Now we begin to head uphill, in earnest
rozoneill: The niceness of the grass belies the steep hike ahead of us
rozoneill: The North Bank scenery on a gorgeous day
rozoneill: Penny does a walk 'n gawk
rozoneill: A standalone on a green slope
rozoneill: Lots of trees under lots of sky
rozoneill: The trail heads ever upward
rozoneill: Shooting star, doing the shooting star thing
rozoneill: It won't be long before the oaks leaf out
rozoneill: Tall trees mock the little people hiking underneath them
rozoneill: Maples, putting out the leaves
rozoneill: Moss collects on a bole of oak trunks
rozoneill: Even the mightiest oak began life as an acorn