rozoneill: Playtime with dogs
rozoneill: The doggitude makes the back yard a lively place indeed
rozoneill: Dogs, cats, and puppies
rozoneill: Cats, kittens, and puppies in my lap, what could go wrong?
rozoneill: Here, let me bite your face off
rozoneill: An interspecies romp
rozoneill: Looks evil but this cat is actually quite friendly
rozoneill: Oh no, a black cat crossed my path!
rozoneill: Hey mister, I command thee to make your lap available!
rozoneill: Granddaughter Lilly and her little friend
rozoneill: When you wait for dinner, you take photos of random things
rozoneill: Fans moved air in the outdoor portion of the restaurant
rozoneill: I met my great-grandson (my first!) for the first time
rozoneill: Adrian checks out all the people looking at him
rozoneill: He's a very smiley boy
rozoneill: My family
rozoneill: My sister Anastasia
rozoneill: Anastasia
rozoneill: Siblings
rozoneill: Anastasia and Mama Reggie
rozoneill: An O'Neill clan of sorts