rozoneill: The trailhead was perfumed with the scent of blooming ceanothus
rozoneill: The oak trees were just beginning to put out leaf buds
rozoneill: The red of poison oak advertises its itchy menace
rozoneill: Shooting stars livened up the hiking proceedings
rozoneill: A duo of shooting stars do their springtime shooting
rozoneill: Small fawn lilies also graced the trail
rozoneill: The hiking was done on old jeep roads converted into trails
rozoneill: More of that beautiful yet nasty poison oak
rozoneill: A fawn lily basks in a sunbeam
rozoneill: My hiking route was mostly on old roads
rozoneill: Maple flowers dangled from nearby trees
rozoneill: The trail breaks out into the open sunlight
rozoneill: Peak 6678 rises on the other side of the valley
rozoneill: Peak 6678 on the other side of the Steinman Creek drainage
rozoneill: Long ago, two trees merged into one
rozoneill: Small seeps and springs no doubt sustain the local wildlife
rozoneill: A maple tree sends out both new flowers and leaves
rozoneill: A crude sign points the way
rozoneill: The western tunnel was sited at the top of this gully
rozoneill: The entrance to the tunnel
rozoneill: Looks kind of dark and spooky
rozoneill: Next time I'll put on the headlamp
rozoneill: The end of the tunnel
rozoneill: This way to daylight
rozoneill: Woodland violets were plentiful on the wooded slopes
rozoneill: Lichen, resembling so many deer antlers
rozoneill: A dry lichen cup hopes for rain
rozoneill: The trail would get faint in the grassy parts
rozoneill: The traii angled gently uphill through the flanking forest
rozoneill: The sketchy path curves to the right