rozoneill: The Rogue Gorge was the first item of interest on the day
rozoneill: The narrow chasm of Rogue Gorge
rozoneill: The Rogue River enters its namesake gorge
rozoneill: The Rogue River, upon exiting the gorge
rozoneill: Reflections would be a thing on this hike
rozoneill: Light, shade, and one clear river
rozoneill: Where shade and sunlight collide
rozoneill: Dogwoods, totally lit up by the sun
rozoneill: Fall colors would be a thing on this hike
rozoneill: Vine maples, glowing bright yellow
rozoneill: Trail through the greenery
rozoneill: One of a million reflection photos I took
rozoneill: Color on the banks of the Rogue
rozoneill: Figurative forest fire
rozoneill: The river ran red
rozoneill: Colorful banks were also a thing
rozoneill: Bucolic little scene
rozoneill: Vine maples going orange
rozoneill: This was one colorful trail
rozoneill: Bend on a very serene river
rozoneill: Color and reflection
rozoneill: Tree reflection on a rippling river
rozoneill: Some sun made to the forest floor
rozoneill: Nom, nom, nom, a tree munches on a trail sign
rozoneill: River view
rozoneill: Reflection upon the river
rozoneill: Abstract art on the river's surface
rozoneill: Just a beautiful scene
rozoneill: The world within the river
rozoneill: Light, shadow, river, and bright colors