rozoneill: Time to go hiking!
rozoneill: The trail beckons and I must go
rozoneill: The forest and undergrowth was on the sparse side
rozoneill: Had to watch your trail intersections
rozoneill: The trail is part of an ambitious route
rozoneill: The trail goes on...
rozoneill: View typical of the first couple of miles of hiking
rozoneill: An aster blooms in late summer
rozoneill: The post said "End" before the Pacific Crest Trail was actually reached
rozoneill: Insignia on a sign post
rozoneill: Intersection with the Pacific Crest Trail
rozoneill: Just a quarter mile away
rozoneill: Greetings, Bobby Lake!
rozoneill: The Bobby Lake shoreline
rozoneill: Small clouds formed over the lake
rozoneill: No lightning bolts today, please
rozoneill: A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake
rozoneill: The wind-ruffled texture of the lake
rozoneill: A wider look at Bobby Lake
rozoneill: Bobby Lake, as I hiked along the shore
rozoneill: Logs can't hide in water as clear as this
rozoneill: The ever evolving view of Bobby Lake
rozoneill: Maiden Peak looms over Bobby Lake
rozoneill: The Twins rise up on the north side of Bobby Lake
rozoneill: One last look before I leave
rozoneill: Sign at one of several trail junctions
rozoneill: A splotch of hard crusty lichen
rozoneill: Trail, take me home