rozoneill: The mosquitoes await my presence
rozoneill: Cowhorn Mountain presides over Little Timpanogas Lakeg
rozoneill: Hellebore, past flowering and gone to seed
rozoneill: A pair of asters in summer finery
rozoneill: Grassy peninsula on Little Timpanogas Lake
rozoneill: Time to say good-bye to the nice lake
rozoneill: Most of this hike was through mosquito-infested forest
rozoneill: Trail in the warm sun
rozoneill: Pinesap emerges from hibernation
rozoneill: A buggy meadow flanks a small creek
rozoneill: The warm sun made the forest quite humid
rozoneill: Trail through an open forest
rozoneill: There was shade and it was good
rozoneill: Path through low-growing grouseberry bushes
rozoneill: The ever ubiquitous trail shot
rozoneill: Time for another dash through hot sunlight
rozoneill: Some of the peaks of the Middle Fork Willamette canyon
rozoneill: June Lake at high noon
rozoneill: Clouds form over the Cascade Mountains
rozoneill: The leading edge of the storm
rozoneill: June Lake panorama
rozoneill: I tried to hike around the lake but the trail petered out
rozoneill: My lunchtime view of June Lake
rozoneill: Incoming clouds reflect on a still and quiet lake
rozoneill: The clouds are looking more ominous
rozoneill: Cloud seeds float away from Mother Cloud
rozoneill: A wispy cloud (and one dragonfly) float in the sky above
rozoneill: The sun wars with the clouds
rozoneill: June Lake, as I resumed hiking
rozoneill: View straight up over the trail