rozoneill: Let's get started already!
rozoneill: The trail climbed steadily through ponderosa pines and meadows
rozoneill: Larkspur as seen here and there in the grasses
rozoneill: A larkspur shows off its spur
rozoneill: The trail entered a small patch of mountain mahogany trees
rozoneill: Trail through a rocky meadow
rozoneill: Balsamroot was abloom in the drier parts
rozoneill: A crab spider stakes his claim on a balsamroot flower
rozoneill: Ballhead waterleaf was blooming all over the place
rozoneill: Path through an open grassy patch
rozoneill: Typical scenery on the lower portion of the hike
rozoneill: Top-down view of a hellebore
rozoneill: Hellebores thrive in the meadows
rozoneill: A ghostly Mt. Jefferson on the skyline
rozoneill: View to North Point
rozoneill: A lone juniper makes for a nice photo
rozoneill: Baneberry in full flower
rozoneill: A spray of sticky currant finds a ray of light
rozoneill: Large meadows occupied open areas in the forest
rozoneill: A fungus begins he work of recycling a dead tree
rozoneill: The hike became way cool on Lookout Mountain's broad plateau
rozoneill: It's mostly sagebrush on top of this plateau
rozoneill: A clump of bright red paintbrushes
rozoneill: Beautiful paintbrush flower
rozoneill: Wild peony was spotted dangling next to the path
rozoneill: Wild peony flower
rozoneill: The trail goes up and over a smal rise
rozoneill: Ochoco Mountains skyline
rozoneill: Duncan Butte rises to the northwest
rozoneill: The trail heads toward the Lookout Mountain summit