rozoneill: We set out across the earthen dam
rozoneill: The long finger-like Cooper Creek Reservoir
rozoneill: Snow queen populated the forest floor
rozoneill: Much of the hike was spent in shady forest
rozoneill: It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
rozoneill: An Oregon grape frond glows in the sunlight
rozoneill: A large swath of trees had fallen across the trail
rozoneill: So glad to hike past and not through this mess
rozoneill: There's a whole other upside-down world in the lake
rozoneill: We'd catch some sun every now and then
rozoneill: Things were looking up
rozoneill: Trail shot, as it traversed the woods
rozoneill: Oak toothwort dangles in the light
rozoneill: A pair of Canadian geese warily eye us
rozoneill: Trail through some damp vegetation
rozoneill: Morning dew, still hanging around
rozoneill: Coltsfoot, in bloom
rozoneill: Alder blooms dangle
rozoneill: Hound's tongue was blooming in the sun-splashed forest
rozoneill: Hound's tongue catches some light
rozoneill: Oregon grape buds
rozoneill: View across a small arm of the lake
rozoneill: Woodland violets were a common sight
rozoneill: Shadows. reflections, and sunlight all vie for a piece of the lake
rozoneill: Turn on the Oregon grape lights
rozoneill: Friends on a hike
rozoneill: Reflection in a small inlet
rozoneill: The boat ramp across the lake is our destination
rozoneill: Trail through a sun-dappled forest
rozoneill: Our future trail awaits our presence