rozoneill: The story of this hike
rozoneill: Morning rain on an oxalis leaf
rozoneill: Burned forest above the trail
rozoneill: Gone was the lush forest of years past
rozoneill: Ferns were already making a comeback after the fire
rozoneill: The smaller trees died en masse, but the larger ones survived
rozoneill: Fireweed blooms after the burn
rozoneill: A debris-choked gully
rozoneill: In some places, the undergrowth has not yet returned
rozoneill: There's a hole in me tree!
rozoneill: Meanwhile, the North Umpqua River flows below
rozoneill: Fallen giant
rozoneill: Rose hips brighten up the forest
rozoneill: Young maples were beset by leaf mildew
rozoneill: It was a drizzly day
rozoneill: A small creeks runs over the trail
rozoneill: View such as it was, straight down
rozoneill: Poison oak was all into autumn
rozoneill: The mist-covered mountains
rozoneill: Freshly repaired trail
rozoneill: Fire debris was everywhere
rozoneill: Trail through a silent forest
rozoneill: The path contours a steep slope
rozoneill: A rock wall looms over the trail
rozoneill: You could almost still smell the smoke
rozoneill: Burned trees, both vertical and horizontal
rozoneill: As the trees died, they shed their needles
rozoneill: Black foot
rozoneill: The hear-shaped leaf of wild ginger
rozoneill: Fragrant and aromatic wild ginger leaf