♥GreenTea♥: 122/365 : Between the Pages
Tasha T. Faye: Subordinate
Elizabeth Gadd: The Mountains Softly Whisper
Emily Dozois: Niagara Falls
Rich Levine: Wedding Guests Should Never Wear White
myu-myu: Dahlia
LunaG.: Padfoot goes to Hogwarts
Sebmanstar: 14 Juillet 2017, Digne (3)
Rich Levine: But, Lord.....???
Giovanna-la cuoca eclettica: A pair of cups of tea 2
camera girl 108: It’s the little things… quiet summer evenings
brookeshaden: the flight of imagination
Hector Prada: Mystic river
Futoigokiburi: Au bout du chemin
Naska Photographie: La tête haute malgré le cœur serré
Nathalie Le Bris: Pueblecitos de Provenza
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): Mammatus storm July 12 incoming
klythawk: Small Tortoiseshell......
Melissa James Photography: Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Sandra Herber: Tornado
brookeshaden: worship the night
Rich Levine: Visions