Roxylou!: moo1
Roxylou!: moo2
Roxylou!: moo3
Roxylou!: 020rs
Roxylou!: Highway 54 to Black River Falls
Roxylou!: Django big mouth
Roxylou!: Django in the sun
Roxylou!: During a lull in the action, I went out to shoot this, and there was a flash of lightening behind the house. I began counting, One one hundred, Two, one hundred... and BAM! The loudest Kaboom, like a canon from hell went off. I was deafened.
Roxylou!: Storm clouds over Melrose
Roxylou!: Storm clouds over Melrose
Roxylou!: Storm clouds over Melrose
Roxylou!: Storm clouds over Melrose
Roxylou!: Storm clouds over Melrose
Roxylou!: GTB 1
Roxylou!: GTB 2
Roxylou!: GTB 3
Roxylou!: 029e
Roxylou!: 022e
Roxylou!: Peony
Roxylou!: la crosse alley
Roxylou!: Highway 54 to Black River Falls
Roxylou!: moons (better on black)
Roxylou!: Django and the water shoe. Bad Dog?
Roxylou!: Some kind of Flower
Roxylou!: dragonfly 7
Roxylou!: dragonfly 6
Roxylou!: dragonfly 5 - Copy
Roxylou!: dragonfly 4 - Copy
Roxylou!: dragonfly 3 - Copy
Roxylou!: dragonfly 2 - Copy