Rowgun: I miss San Francisco.
Rowgun: This makes me so angry. Mostly cause this is the current climate we are in. #johnoliver
Rowgun: Sploosh.
Rowgun: Cowboys and Indians, together at last.
Rowgun: Nice to have some variety in your claw game.
Rowgun: Kinda had to since this is Gabe's first trip here.
Rowgun: Now I get why kids get sick all the time. #immunity #ew
Rowgun: Finally got one of her smiling. #melody #piglet
Rowgun: I found the Seattle Bears.
Rowgun: So lazy.
Rowgun: It really is a pretty city.
Rowgun: How convenient. #breastfeeding #privacy
Rowgun: My results back in 2005. Seems fitting. #registerednurse
Rowgun: Cartoon Network has replaced all eyes with googly eyes today. I love that cyborg only has one. #AprilFools
Rowgun: Seems appropriate. #zelda #botw #masseffect #andromeda
Rowgun: "Turn thee, Benvolio. Look upon thy death" #allergies
Rowgun: There'd better be fire.
Rowgun: Still not worth it.
Rowgun: #airlife #joyride
Rowgun: Not your typical Monday. #airlife
Rowgun: Why does she always sit on my clothes
Rowgun: ...I don't think they have enough exit signs.
Rowgun: Squee. #westworld
Rowgun: Mmm best present: a heated hoodie. #sowarm
Rowgun: ...I must be an idiot.
Rowgun: Hodor. @kristiannairn
Rowgun: Continuing with the "Star Wars" theme from last year... #rawr #imfurry
Rowgun: New toy. I'm thoroughly impressed. #echo
Rowgun: New work shoes. #imanadult #toinfinityandbeyond
Rowgun: Sometimes I miss living in Texas. #sigh #$$$$