DWRowan: Darrel Floyd and Karen Sorensen Get Married
DWRowan: Darrel Floyd and Karen Sorensen Get Married
DWRowan: Darrel Floyd and Karen Sorensen Get Married
DWRowan: Darrel Floyd and Karen Sorensen Get Married
DWRowan: Darrel Floyd and Karen Sorensen Get Married
DWRowan: Darrel Floyd and Karen Sorensen Get Married
DWRowan: Darrel Floyd and Karen Sorensen Get Married
DWRowan: Darrel Floyd and Karen Sorensen Get Married
DWRowan: Alissa100
DWRowan: DW_Floyd_Rory-Virginia-Michelle-Alisa
DWRowan: greggfloyd0
DWRowan: Gregory Floyd 1968
DWRowan: Alissa Floyd Bathtime
DWRowan: Alissa Floyd 1968
DWRowan: Alissa Floyd
DWRowan: Alissa Floyd Graduation
DWRowan: Michelle Floyd 1966
DWRowan: Michelle Floyd 1967b
DWRowan: Michelle Floyd 1968
DWRowan: Michelle Floyd 1972
DWRowan: Michelle Floyd 1983d
DWRowan: Michelle Floyd 1983c
DWRowan: Michelle Floyd 1983b
DWRowan: Michelle Floyd1983a
DWRowan: GreggFloyd02
DWRowan: Floyds
DWRowan: DWFloyd-FAM102
DWRowan: DWFloyd-FAM103
DWRowan: Karen Cara Alissa Darrell Floyd
DWRowan: Karen Alissa Cara Darrell Rory Brad