thefoundjewels: Hug Point, Oregon Coast.
thefoundjewels: the common S E N S E
thefoundjewels: the common S E N S E
thefoundjewels: the common S E N S E
thefoundjewels: Hug Point
thefoundjewels: Manzanita, OR
thefoundjewels: Manzanita, OR
thefoundjewels: Wreck of the Peter Iredale, OR
thefoundjewels: Wreck of the Peter Iredale, OR
thefoundjewels: Manzanita, OR
thefoundjewels: Manzanita, OR
thefoundjewels: Manzanita, OR
thefoundjewels: Manzanita, OR
thefoundjewels: Manzanita, OR
thefoundjewels: Manzanita, OR
thefoundjewels: Somewhat suspicious
thefoundjewels: Morning bunny
thefoundjewels: Reach out
thefoundjewels: That much
thefoundjewels: Did you even look?
thefoundjewels: Personal Distortion 5
thefoundjewels: Personal Distortion 4
thefoundjewels: Personal Distortion 3
thefoundjewels: Personal Distortion 2