rott1970: DSC_5700
rott1970: DSC_5649
rott1970: DSC_5623
rott1970: DSC_5543
rott1970: Young male red deer
rott1970: José Martí Memorial
rott1970: Che Guevara Memorial
rott1970: Friendship during sunset
rott1970: Red Deer
rott1970: Greater Antillean grackle (Quiscalus niger)
rott1970: Wild dear
rott1970: Green heron on hunt
rott1970: Green heron on hunt
rott1970: blue-headed anole
rott1970: The Cuban crocodile
rott1970: The Cuban crocodile
rott1970: The Cuban crocodile
rott1970: The Turkey Vulture
rott1970: Flying Turkey Vulture
rott1970: The Turkey Vulture
rott1970: The Cuban Emerald - male hummingbird
rott1970: The Cuban Emerald - male hummingbird
rott1970: IMGP7735div
rott1970: DSC_205601m
rott1970: DSC_19951_AHDR
rott1970: DSC_2475a_pel
rott1970: DSC_2404Pan1AHDR2
rott1970: DSC_2345_SR
rott1970: DSC_3959dPan
rott1970: DSC_3761Pan9