rotraud_71: Musiker im Schloß - Musicians in the Castle Mainau
rotraud_71: The concert - and afterwards ~
rotraud_71: Venice - La Fenice
rotraud_71: Klavierkonzert - piano concert
rotraud_71: Impressions of a pageant of traditional costumes in Bad Reichenhall - seen from my window! (8)
rotraud_71: Impressions of a pageant of traditional costumes in Bad Reichenhall - seen from my window! (14)
rotraud_71: Impressions of a pageant of traditional costumes in Bad Reichenhall - seen from my window! (26)
rotraud_71: Impressions of a pageant of traditional costumes in Bad Reichenhall - seen from my window! (25)
rotraud_71: street musician on the Makartsteg in Salzburg/Austria
rotraud_71: Young American choir singers in the cathedral of Salzburg
rotraud_71: beautiful young girl saves on a small handicapped accessible car
rotraud_71: The musician of the Predigtstuhl
rotraud_71: The musician of the Predigtstuhl - cable way cabin!
rotraud_71: A quite spezial street musician in Salzburg!
rotraud_71: Street musicians in Salzburg -
rotraud_71: Street musicians in the evening - remembering the beautiful summer ~
rotraud_71: Before the concerto - waiting for the musicians . . .
rotraud_71: Merry barrel organ player
rotraud_71: A lonesome musician - Salzburg without tourists . . .