rotraud_71: In the spa gardens -
rotraud_71: Himmelblau in the garden
rotraud_71: Impressions from my town
rotraud_71: Impressions from my town
rotraud_71: Impressions from my town
rotraud_71: Impressions from my town -
rotraud_71: Impressions from my town
rotraud_71: Hoverfly- braving the rain!
rotraud_71: Water lily --
rotraud_71: Summer flowers at the wayside
rotraud_71: Garden Peonies -
rotraud_71: in the moorland -
rotraud_71: Moorland -
rotraud_71: Water murmur - beautiful music!
rotraud_71: Hey, that's my drink!
rotraud_71: Schwalbenwurz-Enzian - so schön blau . . .
rotraud_71: Salzburg Mirabellgarten -
rotraud_71: Talfahrt im Nebel
rotraud_71: Bad Reichenhall - view from above
rotraud_71: 33 tones red -
rotraud_71: und die Vögel sangen . .
rotraud_71: Erebia aethiops - Mohrenfalter
rotraud_71: Happy cows -
rotraud_71: At the bend of the river -
rotraud_71: Chiemsee - water paradise
rotraud_71: Im kühlen Tal - currently my favorite place - !!
rotraud_71: Bärtige Glockenblume
rotraud_71: wasp -
rotraud_71: Yellow between purple -