rotraud_71: Polygonia c-album C-Falter
rotraud_71: The wing ~~
rotraud_71: A nice visitor in my garden
rotraud_71: The black flutter
rotraud_71: Carduus personata - thistle - Klettendistel and friends
rotraud_71: Dear butterfly, the autumn is there!
rotraud_71: Aglais urticae - Kleiner Fuchs - erred in my living room!!
rotraud_71: Erebia ligea - Mohrenfalter - and rapsberries (unfortunately I don't know the name of the yellow flower!)
rotraud_71: Small caterpillar on the rose petal
rotraud_71: Vanessa atalanta, the first butterfly in my garden - it comes from beyond the alps!
rotraud_71: Aglais urticae - Kleiner Fuchs
rotraud_71: Macroglossum stellatarum in my garden
rotraud_71: Macroglossum stellatarum - Taubenschwänzchen - hummingbird hawkmoth
rotraud_71: Argynnis paphia - Kaisermantel
rotraud_71: 100 colors red in my garden -
rotraud_71: The first butterfly!
rotraud_71: Widderchen - Zygaena lonicerae
rotraud_71: Blue is beautiful !!
rotraud_71: My fascinating walk by the Weißbach-Schlucht (10)
rotraud_71: Moths prefer the darkness ~
rotraud_71: Camouflage ~~
rotraud_71: Summer friends ~~
rotraud_71: Butterfly ~~
rotraud_71: Butterfly ~~
rotraud_71: A beautiful one, isn't it?
rotraud_71: Butterfly - what a wonderful creature!
rotraud_71: Viewed from up close, a charming creature!
rotraud_71: On the meadow
rotraud_71: Widderchen -
rotraud_71: Erebia aethiops - Mohrenfalter