rotraud_71: Crocus near the snow - Würzjoch /Südtirol/Italy
rotraud_71: Pulsatilla vernalis - Frühlings-Kuhschelle - on the Plose
rotraud_71: Gentiana bavarica - Schusternagerl
rotraud_71: Gentiana bavarica
rotraud_71: Gentiana clusii - gentian - Stengelloser Enzian
rotraud_71: Gentiana alpina and hoverfly
rotraud_71: Bokeh - Primula farinosa in the rain - Mehlprimel
rotraud_71: Helleborus niger - Schneerose
rotraud_71: Erica herbacea
rotraud_71: Hepatica nobilis, the first spring messengers
rotraud_71: soldanella alpina Würzjoch/Südtirol/Italy
rotraud_71: Soldanella alpina
rotraud_71: Zyclamen vom Jochberg
rotraud_71: Doronicum and snout moth
rotraud_71: Multicolored mountain meadow in spring
rotraud_71: Thlaspi rotundifolium - Täschelkraut
rotraud_71: Campanula trachelium - nesselblättrige Glockenblume
rotraud_71: Saxifraga Southide seedling - Steinbrech
rotraud_71: Alchemilla and dew drops
rotraud_71: Phyteuma orbiculare - rampion - Teufelskralle
rotraud_71: Geranium sylvaticum - Storchschnabel
rotraud_71: Parnassia palustris - Sumpf-Herzblatt
rotraud_71: Gentiana amarella - Bitterer Enzian
rotraud_71: Carlina acaulis - Silberdistel
rotraud_71: Carlina acaulis - Silberdistel - distributing the seeds in December!
rotraud_71: Beside the way to the Mordau-Alm
rotraud_71: Verbascum nigrum - Königskerze
rotraud_71: Pasqueflower - Pulsatilla vernalis - Frühlings-Küchenschelle
rotraud_71: Cephalanthera rubra - rotes Waldvögelein - Orchid
rotraud_71: Memory of a mountain hike