Matthieu Berroneau: Asp viper Vipera aspis
Rafi Amar Wildlife Photography: Desert Horned Viper - Cerastes cerastes (עכן חרטומים)
Rafi Amar Wildlife Photography: Desert Horned Viper - Cerastes cerastes (עכן חרטומים)
DevinBergquist: Speckled Rattlesnake
DevinBergquist: Tamaulipan Rock Rattlesnake
DevinBergquist: Tamaulipan Rock Rattlesnake
ping.tyrone: Bradypodion occidentale - Western Dwarf Chameleon
santosh_shanmuga: Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
santosh_shanmuga: Portrait of a Black-phase Timber Rattlesnake
santosh_shanmuga: "Pinebrake" in situ
Chandana Witharanage: Pair of Malabar Pied Hornbills IAnthracoceros Coronatus) captured in Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka
daniel_hinrichsen: Dendrobates auratus
rodrigo.gaviriao: Ensifera ensifera. Sword-billed Hummingbird
pbertner: Male poison arrow frog (Dendrobates macero)
S.G.Davis: Neotropical Rattlesnake
MattSullivan: Fer de Lance- Bothrops asper
CostaRicaFrog: Atelopus varius
DaveHuth: Dendropsophus ebraccatus eggs, embryos visible
Vivek Khanzodé ( Andean Cock-of-the-Rock - Angel Paz de las Aves, Nr. Mindo, Ecuador
MattSullivan: Red Eyed Treefrog- Agalychnis callidryas
MattSullivan: Snowy Owl- Bubo scandiacus
Rob Schell Photography: Agalychnis callidryas
socalrattler: Arizona Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake
socalrattler: Arizona Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake
MattSullivan: Halloween Timber- Crotalus horridus
socalrattler: Black-tailed Rattlesnake, Crotalus molossus molossus
Chris Jimenez - Take Me To The Wild: Glass Frog in bromelia
MattSullivan: Jumping Pit Viper-Atropoides mexicanus
MattSullivan: Red Eyed Stream Frog- Duellmanohyla rufioculis