jrothdog: Speckled Rattlesnake Cerbat Mountains Arizona (Crotalus mitchellii)
jrothdog: Aurora Borealis over the Alaska Range
jrothdog: Gulkana Glacier stream
jrothdog: eyelash viper oropel phase La Selva (Bothriechis schlegelii)
jrothdog: Eyelash viper Cahuita National Park (Bothriechis schlegelii)
jrothdog: Red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas)
jrothdog: 4Kalahari Black-maned Lion male (Panthera leo)
jrothdog: New Mexico near Peloncillo Mountains
jrothdog: Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (crotalus atrox)
jrothdog: Reticulate Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum)
jrothdog: Zion National Park Desert Bighorn Sheep
jrothdog: Zion National Park
jrothdog: Marbled tree snake (Dipsadoboa aulica)
jrothdog: Banded Rock Rattlesnake (crotalus lepidus)
jrothdog: Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake (crotalus willardi)
jrothdog: Three Toed Sloth Dominical, Costa RIca
jrothdog: Fleishmann's Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni)
jrothdog: Fiery-throated Humminbgird (Panterpe insignis)
jrothdog: Mozambique Spitting Cobra (Naja mossambica)
jrothdog: Mozambique Spitting Cobra (Naja mossambica)
jrothdog: Banded Rock Rattlesnake (Crotalus lepidus)
jrothdog: Kalahari Ground Gecko
jrothdog: Andean Cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola peruvianus)
jrothdog: Red Howler Monkey
jrothdog: Western Striped Forest Pit Viper (Bothriopsis bilineata)
jrothdog: Three-striped Poison Frog (Epipedobates trivittatus)
jrothdog: Hyla Punctata Punctata? Common Polka Dot Treefrog
jrothdog: Buff Tailed Coronet hummingbird (Boissonneaua flavescens)
jrothdog: Cape Fox and Den (Vulpes Chama)
jrothdog: Bat-eared Fox (Otocyon megalotis)