Text Message
Cornell Fungi: Laetiporus sulphureus in culture
Geoff Livingston: Dell's Social Media Listening and Command Center
TEDxSussexUniversity: Ross Breadmore speaking at TEDxSussexUniversity 2012
TEDxSussexUniversity: Ross Breadmore speaking at TEDxSussexUniversity 2012
forklift: Loud
Meaning conference: Meaning_Lunch
NixonMcInnes: Community Behaviour Matrix
fred pipes: BiG panel discussion
ed and eddie: IMG_0679GenerationSmartphone.JPG
posixeleni: Cosplay Roleplay at otakuthon 2009
Dougtone: Minneapolis Sculpture Garden - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Strawbleu™: Another blue plaque
Quasimondo: You are here
CraftyGoat: Glue Faves
samantha celera: mr. potato head
Skrewtape: PRESS
e_mpika: IMG_2909
moke men: Deep Sanderson 301
Nicky Wilkes: Snoring Old Man
jakerome: lame topics of discussion
NatalieMaynor: Sign in Brent's
dsearls: silos
JustJon: Mindstorms ATM
Father Tito Jones: The internet used to be a funny place, then the guards in Skyrim all took arrows to the knee...
wetwebwork: Desire path
ja1vbn: Kokusai Mechanical Filter 1
Kevin Kemmerer: Mechanical Pinup 2
Rob Webb.: Failed genetic experiments on fruit #1 (12/365)